
Target Group

Target Group

The number of gaming and esports fans is growing rapidly every year. Nowadays, the area is suitable not only for manufacturers of gaming products, but also for any company that wants to present itself in a playful way to a target group, the core of which consists mostly of men of younger working age. Moreover, our target group is much less responsive to traditional marketing channels.

Esport in numbers

Almost 40% of the Czech population can describe what esport is.

Esports fan groups make up 21% of the population in the Czech Republic, specifically:

  • 7,5 %: Playing viewers - play and watch esport titles
  • 10,4 %: Non-playing viewers - do not play but watch esports titles
  • 3,1 %: Non-viewing players - play but do not watch esports titles

Source: STEM/MARK survery 2021

Who are we reaching out to?


  • 88,95 % men
  • 11,05 % woman

Age groups

  • 7 % - 11 to 17 years
  • 58 % - 18 to 24 years
  • 31 % - 25 to 34 years
  • 2,5 % - 35 to 44 years
  • 1,5 % - other


  • 68,2 % - Czech Republic
  • 30,1 % - Slovakia
  • 1,7 % - Other countries